The Literary Lounge
Review of
The Heat of the Kitchen
I recently received a review from a very old friend indeed. His name is Michel Rabinovitch, and he was my very first French Exchange partner, back in 1948, when I spent most of the summer holidays in his company. I saw him again just once, in about 1961, I think, and then not again until September 2014, when my wife and I spent a weekend with him and his wife in the very same house where we stayed 66 years ago!
OK, it's not an independent review, coming from a friend, but it is especially interesting because it is written by a Frenchman and is a commentary on my portrayal of aspects of life in a country which is his, not mine, and also because his comments on that aspect of my writing echo independent reviews from French people (or English people living in France) which have appeared on Amazon
[An English translation follows the French text.]
J’ai terminé The Heat of the Kitchen, et je peux dire que ce livre m’a bien amusé ! Comment as-
Tes personnages sont très vivants et, bien que très, très loin d’être des anges, ils ne sont pas vraiment antipathiques (sauf le commissaire). Ton plan de déblocage de la circulation est tout à fait intéressant et réalisable. Il est d’ailleurs en partie utilisé dans maintes villes d’art en Italie. Mais, décidément, que tes héroïnes sont machiavéliques ! Elles rappellent Arlette, dans ton premier roman. Crois-
J’attends avec impatience ton prochain roman !
[I've finished The Heat of the Kitchen, and I can tell you that I enjoyed this book very much! How did you manage to find out the sort of things that go on in the Council of a little (French) town? You must have been involved yourself somehow! I know that it is possible for a foreigner (of EU origin, of course) to be elected as a member of a town council, but I believe it doesn't very often happen. Anyway, your account is in no way overstated -
Your characters are very life-
I'm really looking forward to your next novel!]